COVID-19: Clinic Procedures and Patient Guidelines

CMFP is taking extra precautions and steps to prevent the spread of Coronavirus (COVID-19) both to other patients and our staff. Below are the guidelines we will be following during this situation.

If you call in wanting to be seen for respiratory illness, you will be asked these questions:

  • How long have you had it?
  • Do you have a fever? If so, record/measure how high.
  • Do you have a cough or shortness of breath, or difficulty breathing? You will then be asked if any other symptoms are present or if they have been in direct contact with a patient who has tested positive for COVID-19.

If you have the above symptoms, the receptionist shall instruct you to stay home and wait for a call from our nurses. If you do not have those symptoms and are mildly ill, you are encouraged to just stay home until you are better. If you do not have those symptoms, you can be scheduled as usual.

Further procedures:

The patient shall be instructed to park in the west handicapped stall, wait in the car upon arrival, and identify themselves to staff via phone as to what car they are in and when they will arrive. The provider shall ensure the waiting room is cleared of patients and will dress in protective gear.

The provider will then go to the vehicle, give the patient a mask to wear, and then escort the patient directly to room 7. The provider will then perform a standard exam and then swab the patient for both influenza and COVID-19 using the standard tests for each (two swabbings total), and then leave the tests in room 7. They will then instruct the patient to go home and self-quarantine for 5 days or until their tests return. The provider will then escort the patient directly back through the empty waiting area, with the patient masked the entire time, back to the car, allowing them to leave. The tests shall be resulted to the patient by a provider as soon as available.

For the above scenario with a patient who has been exposed to COVID-19 directly, the above scenario shall be completed the same except the patient will stay in their car and the provider will take their temperature and obtain the two swabbings in the vehicle and instruct them to go home and self-quarantine for 5 days, or until test results come back.

For patients just wanting testing, please stay home and get better. If you must be tested, then you will be asked the same questions. You must meet that criteria to get an order from us. You can then follow the same procedure as above or take the order to the drive-thru testing spots at Bryan or CHI. As always, call ahead to those sites to inform them. Drive-thru testing will require a provider order at these sites.


Nebraska Department of Health and Human Services

Iowa Department of Public Health

Douglas County (Nebraska) Health Department

Lincoln-Lancaster County (Nebraska) Health Department

Central District (Nebraska) Health Department